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Enhance Your Employability with Certified Skills and Courses in Singapore - WSQ , IBF-STS, Skills Certification

Infocomm Technology

Infocomm Technology

Infocomm Technology, or ICT, is a broad term that refers to the use of technology to create, store, process, and exchange information. It encompasses a wide range of technologies, including computers, telecommunications networks, software applications, and other digital devices. ICT has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and live our lives. It has enabled people to access information and services instantly, from anywhere in the world. ICT has also transformed the way businesses operate, making it possible to automate processes, streamline operations, and reach customers more effectively.

Our Infocomm Technology (ICT) courses are designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the field of information technology. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including computer hardware and software, networking, cybersecurity, programming, database management, and web development.

7 Item(s)

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  • Full Angular Course

    20 Review(s)
    Web development is a realm continuously evolving, with Angular establishing itself as a key player. Our Full Angular Course is crafted to impart not just knowledge but also the art of application. Initiate your Angular endeavor by understanding the essential steps to set up a project. As you progress, immerse yourself in the dynamic world of components, directives, and the intricacies of both built-in and custom pipe....
    $498.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $542.82 (GST-inclusive)

  • Full Google Analytics Training

    52 Review(s)
    The Google Analytics 4 (GA4) course is designed for individuals who want to learn how to use the latest version of Google Analytics to track and analyze website and app traffic. In this course, students will learn how to set up and configure GA4 properties and tracking codes, collect data, and generate reports. The course will cover the fundamental concepts of web analytics and the differences between GA4 and the pr....
    $498.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $542.82 (GST-inclusive)

  • Full Google Ads Training

    46 Review(s)
    Dive into the intricate world of Google Ads with our in-depth training program. From understanding the essence of Quality Score and the auction system to the nuances of setting up and optimizing your AdWords campaigns, our course ensures you're well-equipped. Harness the power of the Keyword Planner, create compelling ad headlines, measure ROI, and navigate advanced settings with ease. Further enhance your digital m....
    $498.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $542.82 (GST-inclusive)

  • Full Java Programming Training

    38 Review(s)
    Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of Java with our Full Java Programming Training. This course covers everything from the foundational Java basics, such as data types, strings, and arrays, to the intricacies of controlling flow with functions and loops. Explore creating classes, manipulating files, navigating inheritance trees, and diving into advanced class structures. Further, amplify your Java expertise as yo....
    $498.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $542.82 (GST-inclusive)

  • Full Tableau Training

    321 Review(s)
    Embark on an enlightening journey into the realm of Tableau, a leading tool for data visualization and business intelligence. This Full Tableau Training is meticulously designed to bridge the gap between data potential and actionable insights. Learn the intricacies of Tableau Worksheets, harness the dynamism of Tableau Dashboard & Story, and delve deep into data organization techniques such as Filters, Groups, an....
    $498.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $542.82 (GST-inclusive)

  • Python 3 Essential Training

    437 Review(s)
    Delve deep into the world of Python 3 with our comprehensive training. Begin your journey by understanding the major Python data types such as List, Tuple, Dictionary, and Set. Grasp the core concepts of conditionals, loops, and sequence generation through comprehensions and generators. Elevate your coding prowess with advanced topics like functions, lambda expressions, and the practical use of map and filter. Explor....
    $498.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $542.82 (GST-inclusive)

  • Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Training

    7 Review(s)
    Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Computer Vision with the Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Training at Tertiary Courses. This comprehensive course, tailored for enthusiasts and professionals alike, leverages the power of OpenCV to offer an immersive experience. From setting up your Raspberry Pi, capturing images and videos via webcams, to crafting visually-striking timelapse videos, every module is me....
    $298.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $324.82 (GST-inclusive)

7 Item(s)

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