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Enhance Your Employability with Certified Skills and Courses in Singapore - WSQ , IBF-STS, Skills Certification



Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that was first released in 1991. It is a general-purpose language that is widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Python is known for its simple and easy-to-read syntax, making it a great choice for beginners, and its large and active community of contributors and users, which provides a wealth of libraries and tools for a wide range of applications. Python is also highly scalable, making it suitable for large and complex applications, and it has a growing popularity among data scientists and machine learning practitioners due to its powerful data analysis and visualization libraries. Python has a growing demand in the job market and is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Our Python programming language courses are educational programs designed to teach individuals the skills and knowledge needed to work with the Python programming language. These courses typically cover the fundamentals of Python programming, including data types, variables, functions, control structures, and programming best practices. They also cover the specific features and functionality of Python, such as its powerful data analysis and visualization libraries, and its wide range of applications in fields such as web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

Our Python programming language courses are designed for a range of skill levels, from beginner to advanced, and are often tailored for individuals with a background in computer science or programming. They may be offered online or in-person, and can range from short tutorials to comprehensive programs that provide hands-on experience working with real-world problems and data.

6 Item(s)

per page

  • IBF - Data Analytics and Deep Learning for Financial Services

    258 Review(s)
    Embark on a transformative learning journey with our IBF-STS Data Analytics and Deep Learning for Financial Services course. Designed for financial professionals and data analysts, this course provides an in-depth understanding of data analytics techniques and deep learning models applicable to the financial services sector. Learn how to harness big data to create predictive models for risk assessment, portfolio opti....
    $1,600.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $1,744.00 (GST-inclusive)

  • WSQ - Basic Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn Course

    16 Review(s)
    Step into the transformative world of machine learning with our WSQ-endorsed Basic Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn Course. Designed to provide you with a solid foundation, this course focuses on key ML algorithms and data processing techniques using the Scikit-Learn library. Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, you'll learn how to train models, make predictions, and validate results, gaining the skil....
    $688.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $749.92 (GST-inclusive)

  • WSQ – Basic Deep Learning with Tensorflow Keras

    9 Review(s)
    Embark on your journey into the realm of artificial intelligence with our WSQ-endorsed Basic Deep Learning with Tensorflow Keras course. This course provides an in-depth understanding of fundamental deep learning concepts, focusing on neural network architectures and how to implement them using Tensorflow Keras. With hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you'll learn the basics of designing, training, and tunin....
    $688.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $749.92 (GST-inclusive)

  • WSQ - Predictive Analytics with PyTorch: Transform Your Data to Prediction

    1 Review(s)
    This course dives into the practical application of machine learning principles using PyTorch to extract valuable business insights from data. Participants will start with an overview of deep learning and PyTorch, including installation, basic operations, and gradient computation. The curriculum then advances to applying neural networks for regression and classification tasks, teaching how to develop predictive model....
    $750.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $817.50 (GST-inclusive)

  • Python 3 Essential Training

    437 Review(s)
    Delve deep into the world of Python 3 with our comprehensive training. Begin your journey by understanding the major Python data types such as List, Tuple, Dictionary, and Set. Grasp the core concepts of conditionals, loops, and sequence generation through comprehensions and generators. Elevate your coding prowess with advanced topics like functions, lambda expressions, and the practical use of map and filter. Explor....
    $498.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $542.82 (GST-inclusive)

  • Deep Learning with Tensorflow and Python

    1 Review(s)
    Elevate your deep learning journey with our extensive course, focusing on Tensorflow and Python. At Tertiary Courses, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide, starting from evaluating platforms to developing intricate algorithms using Python. Delve deep into the world of regression and classification models, and understand the hidden relationships that drive the core of these models. With a special emphasis on transf....
    $1,200.00 (GST-exclusive)
    $1,308.00 (GST-inclusive)

6 Item(s)

per page